Giant Isopod No. 1 (Bathynomus sp.)

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Giant Isopod No. 1
Giant Isopod No. 1 photo
Born: unknown
Known for: Hitchhiking
Suborder: Cymothoida
Family: Cirolanidae
Genus: Bathynomus
Species: Bathynomus sp.

Paul is an individual Porcellio scaber who emerged from their mother's marsupium in 2022


Paul is a Porcellio scaber displaying the "Orange Koi" morph. They were born and lived out their manca stage in a dedicated bin for his species and morph ass normal. However, it is believed that as a very young isopod, they somehow made the journey from their bin to another bin containing a population of Spherillo sp "Bat Ray". Still a pale juvenile, they were first noticed living among the Spherillo as a refugee in late 2022, but eluded capture and skirted attempts at identification. Photographic proof of the presence of a foreign isopod in the culture was eventually obtained and their likeness was publicized on r/isopods, were they were positively identified as Paul.

Life Stages

Manca photo
Notes: Following birth, pereonite 7 not fully developed.
Credit: N/A
Juvenile photo
Notes: N/A
Credit: N/A
Subadult photo
Notes: N/A
Credit: N/A
Adult photo
Notes: Adult size.
Credit: N/A


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