Main Page
Welcome to my isopod wiki demo. This is an internal space while I finish developing basic infrastructure. If you ended up here through Google somehow, disregard :)
This site is intended to be a sort of illustrated codex and database of hobby isopods (and some other relevant things). It is heavily under construction, so everything from the color scheme of the pages to the templates and actual content should be recognized as either a placeholder or heavily in flux. When the wiki actually has a name, you can consider this no longer the case. Obviously I did not intend to create a bug wiki called "Enkig," but I needed a placeholder and didn't feel like I could put down "IsoWiki" and still respect myself. The site also needs its own look beyond the MediaWiki default. The current look is temporary, I don't intended to keep the Vector skin.
What you are looking at
This is a partially-closed wiki that allows anyone to create an account, but editing is closed even to registered users. Your account will need to be given special permission to edit the species and morph pages, to ensure the information is supplied and vetted by known community experts. Right now the most important work to be done is deciding on uniform page templates and parameters. At Porcellio hoffmannseggii you can see an example of me attempting to define parameters for the species pages. This is very WIP. I have google docs full of notes on what to include on individual species pages and most of it is not represented by the current state of that test page. Once a uniform structure for basic things like genus, species, and morph pages have been set up, alongside the integration of the existing Google Doc species list, mass creation of individual species pages may begin and the wiki will rapidly become functional. It was my thinking that this project could be linked to the AIMG somehow. Obviously, a wiki of the isopod hobby is going to have lots of overlap with that site, but I also believe that the format of the AIMG as is is poorly suited to the functionality of a "codex" of all isopod species and morphs.
Once some (see below) things are working, this site will allow users without any special permission to create keep/sell lists or little wiki page store fronts on their user pages, easily configurable with hyperlinks to the species pages, and therefore synced with the (hopefully expert-curated) IDs and morph names. Anyone can use this site to make and host their keep list forever for easy sharing with the page link.
So, there are some photos here now. The intent is for every photo on the site to either be completely free to use, or free to use with credit provided directly below, on or near the photo. This may not be try of photos currently on the site. I am avoiding any photography from people like Nicky Bay until they are specifically spoken to and an agreement is reached on watermarks, resolution etc. Photos that may already be here early on are generally ones I know or assume can be reuploaded without anyone minding. I won't be so loose with this when the site really gets going, I just can't be anal about the photo attribution quite yet until the site is in a workable state. If you have a photo hear that you would like removed, of course reach out and I will take down whatever you need.
- Customizable userpages for everyone that serve as hosts for easily-linkable hobbyist profiles and keeplists.
- Reinforce hobby consensus regarding nomenclature, IDs etc.
- Easily proliferate information on reclassifications.
- illustrated database of all hobby species.
- Promote line management in hobby by tracking lines of species/morphs on their pages.
Create Page
Since creating pages is done by linking to the nonexistent one. "Create Page" buttons are for losers.
- List of Species in the Isopod Hobby
- Template:Armadillidae
- Template:Cubaris
- Crinocheta
- Synocheta
- Paul (isopod)
- Armadillidium vulgare
- Armadillidium maculatum
- Cubaris sp. "Nospecies"
- Armadillidium nospecies
- Porcellio nospecies
- Porcellio hoffmannseggii
- Laureola
- Parakermania longa
- Parcylisticus
- Parcylisticus sp. (Russia, Dagestan)
Template Creation
Families done, wrapping up genera. Zoosections and Suborders will be brief.
- Its genus is Agnara, which means something to somebody, I hope.
- Its genus is Hemilepistus, which means something to somebody, I hope.
- Its genus is Lucasioides, which means something to somebody, I hope.
- Its genus is Mongoloniscus, which means something to somebody, I hope.
- Its genus is Orthometopon, which means something to somebody, I hope.
- Its genus is Alloniscus, which means something to somebody, I hope.
- Its genus is Protracheoniscus, which means something to somebody, I hope.
- Its genus is Cristarmadillidium, which means something to somebody, I hope.
- Its genus is Echinarmadillidium, which means something to somebody, I hope.
- Its genus is Eluma, which means something to somebody, I hope.
- Its genus is Schizidium, which means something to somebody, I hope.
- Its genus is Trichodillidium, which means something to somebody, I hope.
- Its genus is Cylisticoides, which means something to somebody, I hope.
- Its genus is Cylisticus, which means something to somebody, I hope.
- Its genus is Parcylisticus, which means something to somebody, I hope.
- Its genus is Pseudarmadillo, which means something to somebody, I hope.
- Its genus is Deto, which means something to somebody, I hope.
- Its genus is Mesarmadillo, which means something to somebody, I hope.
- Its genus is Periscyphis, which means something to somebody, I hope.
- Its genus is Saidjahus, which means something to somebody, I hope.
- Its genus is Xeroniscus, which means something to somebody, I hope.
- Its genus is Ligia, which means something to somebody, I hope.
- Its genus is Ligidium, which means something to somebody, I hope.
- Its genus is Oniscus, which means something to somebody, I hope.
- Its genus is Atlantoscia, which means something to somebody, I hope.
- Its genus is Australophiloscia, which means something to somebody, I hope.
- Its genus is Chaetophiloscia, which means something to somebody, I hope.
- Its genus is Philoscia, which means something to somebody, I hope.
- Its genus is Niambia, which means something to somebody, I hope.
- Its genus is Platyarthrus, which means something to somebody, I hope.
- Its genus is Trichorhina, which means something to somebody, I hope.
- Its genus is Agabiformius, which means something to somebody, I hope.
- Its genus is Leptotrichus, which means something to somebody, I hope.
- Its genus is Lucasius, which means something to somebody, I hope.
- Its genus is Thermocellio, which means something to somebody, I hope.
- Its genus is Porcellionides, which means something to somebody, I hope.
- Its genus is Proporcellio, which means something to somebody, I hope.
- Its genus is Rhyscotus, which means something to somebody, I hope.
- Its genus is Adinda, which means something to somebody, I hope.
- Its genus is Protoradjia, which means something to somebody, I hope.
- Its genus is Stenoniscus, which means something to somebody, I hope.
- Its genus is Nagurus, which means something to somebody, I hope.
- Its genus is Porcellium, which means something to somebody, I hope.
- Its genus is Trachelipus, which means something to somebody, I hope.
- Its genus is Androniscus, which means something to somebody, I hope.
- Its genus is Brackenridgia, which means something to somebody, I hope.
- Its genus is Caucasocyphoniscus, which means something to somebody, I hope.
- Its genus is Haplophthalmus, which means something to somebody, I hope.
- Its genus is Hyloniscus, which means something to somebody, I hope.
- Its genus is Miktoniscus, which means something to somebody, I hope.
- Its genus is Trichoniscoides, which means something to somebody, I hope.
- Its genus is Trichoniscus, which means something to somebody, I hope.
- Its genus is Tylos, which means something to somebody, I hope.
- Its genus is Parakermania, which means something to somebody, I hope.
- Its genus is Paraxenodillo, which means something to somebody, I hope.
- Its genus is Pericephalus, which means something to somebody, I hope.
- Its genus is Polyacanthus, which means something to somebody, I hope.
- Its genus is Pseudodiploexochus, which means something to somebody, I hope.
- Its genus is Pseudolaureola, which means something to somebody, I hope.
- Its genus is Pseudolobodillo, which means something to somebody, I hope.
- Its genus is Pyrgoniscus, which means something to somebody, I hope.
- Its genus is Reductoniscus, which means something to somebody, I hope.
- Its genus is Rhodesillo, which means something to somebody, I hope.
- Its genus is Schismadillo, which means something to somebody, I hope.
- Its genus is Sinodillo, which means something to somebody, I hope.
- Its genus is Sphaerillodillo, which means something to somebody, I hope.
- Its genus is Sphaerilloides, which means something to somebody, I hope.
- Its genus is Sphenodillo, which means something to somebody, I hope.
- Its genus is Spherillo, which means something to somebody, I hope.
- Its genus is Sumatrillo, which means something to somebody, I hope.
- Its genus is Synarmadillo, which means something to somebody, I hope.
- Its genus is Togarmadillo, which means something to somebody, I hope.
- Its genus is Tongadillo, which means something to somebody, I hope.
- Its genus is Triadillo, which means something to somebody, I hope.
- Its genus is Tridentodillo, which means something to somebody, I hope.
- Its genus is Troglarmadillo, which means something to somebody, I hope.
- Its genus is Troglodillo, which means something to somebody, I hope.
- Its genus is Tuberillo, which means something to somebody, I hope.
- Its genus is Venezillo, which means something to somebody, I hope.